Percentage of Sales Donations

Application Form

Before filling out the form, please note:

  1. We encourage your interest and support, but approval of your fundraising campaign will in no way constitute an endorsement, express or implied, of your product, service, company, opinion and/or political position.
  2. Fundraising activities that support the GFAC mission and strategic initiatives will be considered. Please understand that GFAC cannot approve requests that promote the sale of cigarettes, items that are harmful to an individual’s health, adult or pornographic materials, or any items that could be considered, by the ordinary person, to be in bad taste or inconsistent with our mission or the fundamental principles of GFAC.

Submit an Application to Partner with Girls For A Change

Submit an Application to Partner with Girls For A Change by fundraising.

Step 1 of 5

Company or Organization Headquarters(Required)
Representative Name(Required)
This should be the main contact for the organization during this process.